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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 665- Providing a Quality Youth Soccer Program in the Victor Valley


FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

What does AYSO stand for?

AYSO stands for American Youth Soccer Organization.  For more information about the national organization, please visit their website at 

What equipment should I purchase?

All players will need shin guards at every practice and game.  The Region recommends soccer cleats (ones that do not have a toe cleat) and a ball for every player (put your last name and phone number on the ball in case it gets lost!)  

What size ball is appropriate for my child?

The ball size is determined by the division in which your child plays:

                          U14 - U19 - Size 5   

                          U10 - U12 - Size 4    

                          U6   - U8 -  Size 3  

What should my player wear to practice?

Wear soccer shorts or some other loose-fitting shorts, shin guards covered by soccer socks, and a t-shirt.  Make sure that your child does not come to practice wearing jeans, long pants or other clothes that your child would not be able to run in. On cold nights, bring a sweatshirt to wear during or after practice.

Can my child play up a division?

In some circumstances a player may play in one division higher than his or her age.  Requests must be made in writing and approved by the Regional Commissioner.

Can my child play down a division?

Children are not allowed to play in a division beneath his or her age.  This is a policy mandated by our National organization.

Where and when will the games be played?

For all teams in U12 and below, all regular games are played at Hook Park in Victorville.   Upper divisions as well as some 10u teams may have a limited number of games on Sunday or other days during the week instead of Saturdays.  U14 teams may play against other Regions in our Area.  U19 and U16 divisions are part of Area 10D play and will require travel to other cities.

How long is the season?

The regular season lasts from August to November.  Each team will play ten (10) games, barring any unforeseen reason to cancel games, such as unhealthful air quality or dangerous field conditions.

When will my child’s coach contact us?

Depending upon the coach’s availability, players in divisions U10, U12, U14, U16 and U19 will normally be contacted in early August after the division draft.  Teams in our U6 and U8 divisions may not be formed until mid-August, so coaches will be calling these teams the third or fourth week of August.

When will teams begin practicing?

The earliest that a team may hold a practice is August 1.  However, some of our divisions may be drafted after that date, so practices will begin later.

I have not yet been contacted by my child’s coach.  What should I do?

First of all, don’t panic.  In all likelihood, you will receive a call for our competitive divisions __________________.  For U6 and U8 divisions, coaches should call by ___________________.  If you have not received a call by then, please email our registrar at [email protected] for information.  Please do not contact the registrar for this information prior to these dates.

What if my child misses practice or games?

Parents should contact the coach if their child cannot make a practice or game. It is unfair to the other players for one teammate to consistently miss practice, so families are encouraged to make it a priority to attend all practices and games.

Do I have to volunteer?

AYSO Region 665 is a volunteer organization, which would not exist if not for the efforts of parents and community volunteers.  The Board of Directors would like to see a member of each player’s family volunteer time to the organization, whether it is a position on the board, a field painter, a shaved ice maker, a activity day worker or any other of dozens of jobs that require manpower.  The Region urges you to be involved and will honor the level to which you would like to participate.  Volunteering is not mandatory, but it is essential to the program.  Because of the expected large number of sign-ups and due to the shortage of fields available in the Victorville area, Region 665 may be forced to limit the number of registrations for the upcoming season. Priority would be given to players whose families volunteer their time to our program. There will not be a “first-come first-serve” advantage, so signing up the first registration day will not guarantee a player a spot on a team.

I don’t know a thing about soccer.  Can I still volunteer?

YES!  There are numerous areas in which to volunteer.  We look for people to help before, during and after the season.  Examples of some areas in which we can use help:  making phone calls, painting fields, putting together packets for teams, and of course, coaching and refereeing!  We provide FREE training for our Coaches and Referees, and hold informative meetings for them and Team Parents.  We were all new at one time and are always looking for new faces and fresh ideas.  Give it a try!

How do I receive a refund for a child who is not going to participate in the season?

There are specific procedures to follow for obtaining a refund that are fully explained in the Regional Guidelines, along with a refund request form.  The request form may be obtained from our Important Documents section or may be obtained from the registrar or treasurer.  Please complete the request form according to its directions and email to the registrar or treasurer to [email protected]

My child would like to play on his or her best friend/neighbor/cousin’s team.  How can I ensure this?

Due to the AYSO philosophy of Balanced Teams, we are not able to honor requests in our competitive divisions, U10 through U19, where teams are drafted.  We will make every effort to place siblings on the same team, when their ages and gender permit, however those who sign up after teams have been drafted may not be placed on the same team.  We do our best to accommodate requests in the U6 and U8 divisions, but we are not able to make guarantees.

We got a call from a coach that we don’t know, but Coach Buddy says his team has room.  Can I move my child to Coach Buddy’s team?

No.  Team assignments are final and may not be changed by coaches or parents.  Our goal in forming U6 and U8 teams, and in drafting U10 through U19 teams, is to ensure balancing teams.  The region will not make changes to teams based on car pool, day care or any other criteria other than our goal for balanced teams.  Specifics may be found in our Regional Guidelines.

What if my child gets hurt in a game or practice?

Although there are very few serious injuries in soccer, AYSO does have an Accident Reimbursement Program. This program will cover expenses not covered by your own individual insurance plans, after the deductible has been satisfied and only after a proper claim has been filed by your insurance carrier. To file a claim, contact the Regional Safety Director.

What if it rains? 

Soccer is played in all types of conditions. Do not assume that games or practices are cancelled because of a slight drizzle. Unless notified, all teams must appear at the field at their scheduled time, regardless of weather conditions.

Why is Picture Day on Sunday?

The size of our region, and the limited amount of space at Hook Park, make it necessary to hold Picture Day when we are not holding games.  The best alternative is Sunday.  We respect that families attend religious services and hope that the short amount of time spent at the park on Sunday taking photos does not interfere with the services.  If attending Picture Day is not possible, we do hold a make-up day for individual photos.  Typically this occurs late in October.

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 665

12127 Mall Blvd., Suite A #529
Victorville, California 92392

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 442-229-6011
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